Express API

Unlock the power of automation and elevate your organization’s efficiency with Express API integration. Experience enhanced data sharing and embedding capabilities from EFF directly within your own funeral home or cemetery software system.

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How it works

Express API integration enables effortless submission, viewing, and editing of claims data directly from existing ERP, CRM or Web-Application systems. Users can download assignments, funding receipts and essential claim documentation while seamlessly managing and monitoring all claim activities within their business applications.


Halcyon will quickly and seamlessly update your claim to Express Funeral Funding with just the click of a mouse from within your Halcyon System!

- Sara Gard, CEO & Owner

Steps to Integrate




Complete user agreement


Receive integration guide and support

Frequently Asked Question

Benefits of the Express API Service include the ability to manage your EFF claims from your existing software, real-time tracking of all EFF data and streamlined collaboration with EFF staff. All current features from the Express Hub are available through Express API at no cost to customers and partners.

Yes! All current features from our Express Hub are available and accessible through Express API to all our customers and partners at no cost.

Yes. A proper integration in place will keep both your software system and EFF's in live communication. Our development team is constantly working on new functionalities and features and will notify you when these new functionalities are available for you to implement.

Integration can take anywhere from 10-20 hours depending on the time and resources you dedicate. Our team is prepared to work with you at your pace.

Absolutely, our IT Department is available 24/7 to provide support and guidance at We will provide the resources necessary for a seamless integration process.

Our step-by-step integration guide includes a dynamic installation package that simplifies the API process for you. Additionally, EFF staff will be available to answer any questions you may have about the process at

Simply contact and let us know you’re ready to begin Express API integration. Our team will provide a user agreement, once completed you will receive our API integration guide and any support necessary to complete integration.

Yes, please contact with your integration request and our IT will reach out to your CRM development team for integration options.

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